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Supacaz orbitron dh

In many ways we are all digital humanists because we all do humanities work that engages with technology. Martin Foys, Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, notes that having to define the digital humanities is a vexing question. Kyle Neill, Matthew Mickelson, and Morgan Pabst define the digital humanities as a broad umbrella term, a methodology that bridges the gap between the digital and the humanities, in other words “humanities with a digital twist.” The students see DH as an effective teaching tool and something that helps pique the interest of audiences and get them engaged in new subjects. In its broadest sense, however, he defines DH as ” the application of computational and computer-based approaches to topics, projects, and scholarly labor that people have traditionally associated with the fields of the humanities.”Įx Libris is a digital humanities project undertaken by three iSchool students at the University of Wisconsin. For Rob, since everything is already digital, in some ways Digital Humanities is sort of a catch phrase for people to do humanities. Rob Howard is a professor of Communication, Religious Studies, and Folklore in the Department of Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

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We pose this question to every person we interview for Documenting DH.

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